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As we know the Bureau of Meteorology have predicted a very high change of rain for Saturday 3 September 2022.

This means as we head into our Semi Finals tomorrow there will be some unknowns and some knowns that we want to share with our members ahead of tomorrow.

PSNA will apply the Netball NSW Adverse Weather Conditions Policy to our decision making and in particular follow the Wet Weather Procedures contained within this policy.

This means prior to each time slot tomorrow we will be proactive in obtaining details about the local weather conditions for Raymond Terrace from

We will use this information to access the severity of conditions and then recommend the management of that timeslots play.

We will CONTINUE to play our semi finals where there is: Light drizzle Intermittent rain Intermittent heavy rain where water can be easily swept away from playing services

We have the opportunity to during our Semi Finals to take a 'weather time out' to enable weather to pass over if required as all games are individual timed during the final series.

We will NOT CONTINUE to play our semi finals where there is:

Continuous heavy rain (including hail) where the playing surface has heavy pooling of water that is not able to be swept away.

So what does this mean for the day? Our aim will be to progress games where it is safe to do so. If we are not able to the following will occur.

Where the full day is postponed the following will occur Semi Finals will be played on Saturday 10 September 2022 NEW Finals will be played on SUNDAY 11 September 2022 Grand Final will be played on Saturday 17 September 2022

Where only some divisions are not able to be played tomorrow Saturday 10 September may see a combination of Semi Finals and Finals played on the same day


If your semi final was postponed you will play your semi final on this day and then your final on Sunday 11 September with the grand final to still go ahead on the 17 September OR

If your semi final game was played and you made it to the finals you will play your final on Saturday 10 September and the grand final will still go ahead on 17 September.

We know that this is NOT IDEAL but we are in the same position as many grassroots community sports this weekend and like with our COVID curve balls will face this with the known information on the day.

We are looking forward to a great final series and we all have our fingers crossed that the predicted weather hugs the coastline and that we get our semi final games played.

PLEASE NOTE: We will use the Facebook page to provide regular updates tomorrow but we will 'On' until advised on this page otherwise.

We appreciate your patience as we work through this tomorrow.

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